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Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь - parcel


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Перевод с английского языка parcel на русский

1) бухта (проволоки) 2) пакет; свёрток

завёртывать в пакет; упаковывать в пакет 3) вчт. пакет; посылка 4) лесосека; делянка 5) делить на части to parcel outразбивать на делянки

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См. в других словарях

  участок земли ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) пакет 2) пакетный 3) посылка 4) почтовая посылка send parcel post — отправлять почтовой посылкой ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  сущ. 1) пакет 2) пачка 3) тюк 4) посылка 5) часть, доля 6) партия товара • - by parcel post ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  парцелла ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. пакет, сверток; пачка, связка broun-paper parcel —- сверток в оберточной бумаге a parcel of shares —- бирж. пакет акций to make a parcel —- сделать пакет to roll up a parcel —- свернуть кулек to undo a parcel —- открыть сверток to make things into a parcel —- сделать сверток из вещей 2. посылка, бандероль parcel van —- почтовый вагон to forward smb. a parcel —- направить кому-либо бандероль или посылку he got a parcel from his parents —- он получил посылку от своих родителей 3. пренебр. группа, кучка a parcel of scamps —- шайка негодяев I'm not going to be lectured by a parcel of young girls —- я не желаю, чтобы какие-то девчонки читали мне наставления 4. куча, масса a parcel of lies —- сплошная ложь a parcel of rubbish —- полная чушь 5. партия товара, мелкая партия груза 6. участок (земли) 7. разг. сумма денег (выигранная или проигранная) to drop a parcel over a race —- проиграть деньги на скачках 8. уст. часть 9. мор. парсель Id: part and parcel —- составная, неотемлемая часть 10. делить на части, дробить (также parcel out) to parcel out the land into 10 divisions —- разделить землю на 10 участков 11. наделять (кого-либо, чем-либо), распределять to parcel out the land to peasants —- распределять землю среди крестьян 12. завертывать в пакет; делать пакет, сверток, кулек 13. мор. класть клетневину 14. уст. частично parcel blind —- полуслепой parcel...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  out делить на части, дробить; After the farmers death, his land was parcelled out among his children. PARCEL  1. noun  1) пакет, сверток; тюк, узел; parcels of food and clothing  2) посылка  3) партия (товара)  4) участок (земли); These small parcels of land were purchased by local people.  5) группа, кучка; - parcel of scamps  6) куча, масса; She would be acquiring a run-down house and a parcel of financial worries.  7) часть; Payment was part and parcel of carrying on insurance business. - part and parcel  2. adv. obs. частично; - parcel gilt - parcel blind - parcel drunk  3. v.  1) делить на части, дробить  2) завертывать в пакет; Can you parcel up these urgent papers in time for the collection of the last post?  3) naut. класть клетневину - parcel out PARCEL blind полуслепой; PARCEL drunk полупьяный PARCEL gilt позолоченный только изнутри (о посуде); PARCEL of scamps шайка негодяев PARCEL post почтово-посылочная служба ...
Англо-русский словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 a goods etc. wrapped up in a single package. b a bundle of things wrapped up, usu. in paper. 2 a piece of land, esp. as part of an estate. 3 a quantity dealt with in one commercial transaction. 4 archaic part. --v.tr. (parcelled, parcelling; US parceled, parceling) 1 (foll. by up) wrap as a parcel. 2 (foll. by out) divide into portions. 3 cover (rope) with strips of canvas. Phrases and idioms parcel post the branch of the postal service dealing with parcels. Etymology: ME f. OF parcelle ult. f. L particula (as PART) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French ~e, from Vulgar Latin *particella, from Latin particula small part — more at particle  Date: 14th century  1.  a. fragment, portion  b. a volume of a fluid (as air) considered as a single entity within a greater volume of the same fluid  2. a tract or plot of land  3. a company, collection, or group of persons, animals, or things ; lot the whole story was a ~ of lies  4.  a. a wrapped bundle ; package  b. a unit of salable merchandise  II. adverb  Date: 15th century archaic partly  III. adjective  Date: 15th century part-time, partial  IV. transitive verb  (-celed or -celled; -celing or ~ling)  Date: 15th century  1. to divide into parts ; distribute — often used with out  2. to make up into a ~ ; wrap  3. to cover (as a rope) with strips of canvas or tape ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (parcels) 1. A parcel is something wrapped in paper, usually so that it can be sent to someone by post. (mainly BRIT; in AM, usually use package) ...parcels of food and clothing... He had a large brown paper parcel under his left arm. N-COUNT 2. A parcel of land is a piece of land. These small parcels of land were purchased for the most part by local people. N-COUNT: N of n 3. If you say that something is part and parcel of something else, you are emphasizing that it is involved or included in it. Payment was part and parcel of carrying on insurance business within the UK... PHRASE: v-link PHR, usu PHR of n c darkgreen]emphasis ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 especially BrE an object that has been wrapped in paper or put in a special envelope, especially so that it can be sent by mail; package1 (1) AmE  (She tied up the parcel with string.) 2 an area of land that is part of a larger area which has been divided up  (a parcel of farmland) 3 BrE a small quantity of food that has been wrapped up, usually in pastry (1)  (parcels of cod)  (- see also part and parcel part1 (25)) ~2 v parcelled, parcelling BrE parceled, parceling AmE parcel sth out phr v to divide or share something among several people  (Government posts have already been parcelled out among the President's friends.) parcel sth off phr v to divide something into small parts so that it can be sold parcel sth up phr v BrE to make something into a parcel by wrapping it up ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - c.1303, from O.Fr. parcelle "small piece, particle, parcel," from V.L. *particella, dim. of L. particula, dim. of pars "part." Originally in Eng. "part" (sense preserved in phrase parcel of land); meaning "package" is 17c. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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